About me and Mike

Most of you know me and Mike, but if you’re new to our acquaintance, my name is Robin and I started this blog to share our travel stories. Mike and I grew up in Greenfield MA, a small town in New England. Greenfield will always be home to us, but for the past 40 years (geeze, that makes us sound old) we have lived in Fort Collins, CO which will always be home to our 2 boys; Chris and Matt. Over the years we have made our way to many places inthe world; some on well traveled trails and other places a bit less traveled.

I don’t want anyone to think this site; arewethereyetworld.com; is being written to air any kind of social comments, (unless you’re reading some scathing sarcasm by Mike). It’s about where we go, what we do, and who we meet. Chances are if you are reading this you may be one of these people we have just met, or have known us for many years. So please join us on our journeys; from our back yard and beyond.WIN_20150626_125632
