Huahine, Hawaiki Nui VA’a

Arriving in Huahine, and the Hawaiki Nui Va’a Canoe Race, Society Islands

 Fare, Huahine the harbor
Fare, Huahine the harbor
One of our swimming spots, Yacht Club in background
One of our swimming spots, Yacht Club in background

We bounced into Fare, Huahine in Smith Lemaire’s pick- up truck. Mike and I had just flown in from Raiatea and sure enough Smitty was at the airport looking for 2 gringo’s from the U.S. (As I’ve mentioned before we’re kind of hard to miss no matter what local accessories we’ve acquired.) Town was pretty crazy because the Hawaiki Nui Va’a canoe race was to launch in one day. Teams had gathered with their entourages from all over French Polynesia.

 Hawaiki Nui Va'a 2015 launch
Hawaiki Nui Va’a 2015 launch

The annual event often draws teams from far reaches of the South Pacific but this year the weather was slated as unpredictable and the competition was stacking up between the closer- in islands. There were lots of professional teams in lots of fancy outrigger canoes. The local Huahine team who does not have a big name sponsor was described as an underdog and in the past has placed well. They became our favorite.

The race is on
The race is on
I think this was the local Huahine canoe
I think this was the local Huahine canoe

Back in the pick-up truck Smitty swings by the Huahine Yacht Club to see if his wife Jocelyn was there. She was holding down a table with her circle of friends, visitors, surfers, dancers and locals. (We fit the visitor’s category.) It didn’t take us long to discover Smith is a known surfer in these parts as well as Hawaii. Jocelyn an equally attractive counterpart from Canada/California/Hawaii. Proud of their island, home, and community they welcomed us.

Mike at the Yacht Club not happy I'm taking his picture
Mike at the Yacht Club not happy I’m taking his picture
All kinds of kids hanging off the ropes of freighters and impressing a crowd with tricks
All kinds of kids hanging off the ropes of freighters and impressing the crowd with tricks

After a Hinano at the Yacht Club we set out on foot into festival territory. The place was packed with team booths, vendors, sponsors and others taking advantage of the crowd and selling T-Shirts, fruit, ice cream, coco fresco, flowers, shell necklaces and walk away dinners. As my friend Gail would say; all kinds of shopping opportunities. The undercurrent of paddlers everywhere; gave the scene strength and the promise of excitement to come.

Fresh fruits for sale
Fresh fruits for sale


As it started to rain Smitty and Jocelyn quickly led us to a most excellent roulette where we sat on tiny plastic stools under a white tarp and dined on lime chicken and chow-mane. It was delicious. Following the feast we proceeded to Frankie’s Place.


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