Palette, Tahiti

Papeete, Tahiti

Travel Blog 10/4/15

Night 1, French Polynesia, they releases us directly onto the tarmac after out 6 hour flight from Hawaii. The air was warm and fragrant like it’s supposed to be in the tropics. The scent of gardenia’s heavy in the air with a background of fire char from the hills. A snappy little trio of ukei20151003_090433_H air20151003_165629_flowerlalie players greets us at the entrance. The airport was a mess with all kinds of people bumbling about, it seemed hundreds of us did not have the correct immigration forms so we were huddled in little groups borrowing each other’s reading glasses to see the 6 point type. Oh ya, it was in French.

We taxi to downtown where we are staying at the Hotel Tiera Tahiti. How can you resist a place that used to be the American Embassy? Our modest room and balcony overlooks the waterfront and this morning we watch as the yachties wake up and come to town for supplies.  It seems they’re locked into dozens of eggs and toilet paper. The Aremiti Ferry comes in, as well as a small container ship. It’s 6 am.



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